BiPhoria: Bisexual Space and Voice since 1994
Manchester Bi The Numbers
Manchester City Council has been crunching the numbers in the 2021 UK census. Here are some bi and LGBT numbers from their summary of what the census shows about the city. Manchester Population: Straight 370,576 (84.6%) Lesbian & Gay 14,608 (3.3%) Bisexual 11,782 (2.7%) Pansexual 1,853 (0.4%) Any other label -queer, ace, etc - gets 0.1% or less. That puts bi+ at 3.1% and gay+ at 3.3%. Considering for many years Manchester City Council said as a matter of policy that there was no such thing as a bisexual*, turns out there a lot of us. Back in the 90s when BiPhoria started, there was an assumption that bisexual experience was somewhere between gay and straight - less oppression than gays, not quite as free as straight people. Research on things like mental and physical health has shown that to be a lie. However in the census, "55% of those identifying as lesbian or gay, and 46% of those identifying as bisexual, have a Level 4 qualification  (undergraduate degree) or above, compared to 38% of straight or heterosexual people." The figures on disability for example reflect bi as not being an "in-between" experience: Proportion of people in Manchester who are disabled under the terms of the Equality Act: Of straight people 19.8% Of gays & lesbians 23.1% Of bi people 32.3% * they wouldn't give us a refund on our council tax even though we didn't exist.  

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